ΓΡΑΜΜΑ/GRAMMA: Περιοδικό Θεωρίας και Κριτικής, τεύχος 10

Περιεχόμενα A Look at Both Sites: Forword, Savas Patsalidis and Elizabeth Sakellaridou Part I: Technology in Performance: Reactions and Interactions Dance and Interactivity, Johannes Birringer Performing the Cyberbody on the Transnational Stage, Sue-Ellen Case The Aesthetics of Disappearance and the Politics of Visibility in the Performance of Technology, Matthew Causey Backwards and Forwards: Regression and Progression in the Production Work of i.e. VR, Lance Gharavi Εικονικό σώμα και ζωντανό κορμί: Σκέψεις για την εφαρμογή της τεχνολογίας στο σύγχρονο θέατρο, Βάλτερ Πούχνερ Part II: Technology and the Dramatic Text: Uneasy Relationships A Crucible of Two Cultures: Timberlake Wertenbaker's after Darwin and Science in Recent British Drama, Mark Berninger «Ω τι θαυμαστός καινούριος κόσμος!» Η τεχνολογία ως πανάκεια και όλεθρος στο ελληνικό θέατρο του 20ού αιώνα, Θόδωρος Γραμματάς De-sexing the Maternal: Reproductive Technologies and Medical Authority in Contemporary British Women's Drama, Jozefina Komporaly Technology and the Playwright, Richard H. Palmer Exporting an Aesthetic, Importing Another? Experimental (Ad)ventures in Contemporary British Theatre, Elizabeth Sakellaridou Copenhagen and Beyond: The "Rich and Mentally Nourishing" Interplay of Science and Theatre, Kirsten Shepherd-Barr Book Reviews Poggi, Valentina and Margaret Rose, eds. A Theatre That Matters: Twentieth-Century Scottish Drama and Theatre. A Collection of Critical Essays and Interviews., Elizabeth Sakellaridou Savas Patsalidis and Anastasia Nikolopoulou, eds. Melodrama: Generic and Ideological Transformations., Miltos Pehlivanos Grammatas, Thodoros. To Elliniko Theatro ston 20o Aiona. Politismika Protypa kai Prototypia. [The Greek Theatre in the 20th Century. Cultural Models and Originality]., Doxa Daphni